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Owing to our legacy in system integration and ICT distribution in MEA region over the first two decades, we had this unique opportunity of analyzing the pulse of the ICT boom in close range and thus making visionary initiatives in the emerging technology landscape of the region. Middle East is gaining an unprecedented strategic importance in the global map in an evolving market scenario. The region's transformation from an oil economy to AI based economy is clear and evident. With the power of the disruptive capital and the promises of AI contribution to the GDP, Middle East is going to be the cradle of technology in the upcoming decades. This phenomenon will eventually pave its way to the birth of the next generation “Silicon Valley” in the heart of the Arab land.


Interdev Group is one of the early visionaries to build on this opportunity. The organization's initiatives in technology has two prime purposes:

i) To act as an infrastructure partner for all businesses converging at the interdependent platform of its highly inclusive corporate strategy and;

ii) To play an integral role in the post oil economy technology boom with active thrust in all folds of ICT spectrum.

Interdev Technology
(ICT Sector)

Interdev Technology started as business initiative to cater to the expanding IT hardware market, with an exclusive focus towards the corporate segment. The vision was to provide the best of the globally recognized products and services to the UAE market, by building strong and healthy relationships with the principals and other stake holders. With industry know-how of 2 decades of UAE's ICT market and the updated expertise for the region's changing technology trends, today, Interdev Technology is a premium technology organization in the ICT domain offering.

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Interdev Contact Center

Interdev Contact Center is a brand-new initiative from Interdev Technology which aims to revolutionize the customer communication & experience ecosystem, by providing modern, innovative, affordable, world-class solutions second to none.

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